Web/App Maintenance

The success of your business is heavily tied to the performance and security of your website. If you don’t deliver a good user experience you’re going to see higher bounce rates and lost revenue. If your website gets hacked, you can lose important data, or your reputation can be tarnished overnight by the hacker publishing inappropriate content on your website.

Keeping your software (e.g., website, Web application, or mobile app) properly maintained gives your users an uninterrupted experience allowing them to navigate smoothly and find the information they are looking for. 

We offer robust maintenance plans to ensure your website or app is always running at optimal efficiency. 

 Here are some reasons to consider a monthly maintenance plan.

  • Keep your website secure and up to date 
  • Incorporate new technology and features 
  • Positive brand perception 
  • Convert more visitors 

When we develop your website, Web application, or mobile app, you’ll extend our warranty for as long as you maintain an active monthly maintenance plan with us.

How it works

We include a Monthly Maintenance Plan estimate for all new projects. Once you sign-off on the agreement, we begin maintaining your software (e..g, website, Web application, mobile app, etc.) as soon as it goes live. We provide monthly reports where applicable, so you know what we’re doing to keep your software current and secure.

If you’re new to our services and currently have an existing website or application, we’ll review it to determine if there are any components that are out of date. Generally speaking, clients who have expired maintenance plans or never set up ongoing maintenance will need what we call a “true-up.” This process brings your website up to date, so we can start your ongoing monthly maintenance.

Let us take care of it

Whether you’re looking for maintenance for a new project or looking to keep your website or application in top-top shape, we’re here for you. We handle all of the behind-the-scenes upkeep so you can do what you do best!

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